Funding boost helps toddlers group provide more support

Published: Thursday 18 July 2024

Tiny Tots group who were awarded £2500 PB funding

A toddlers group has received £2500 to help expand the support they can provide to parents and carers with children under five.

The Tiny Tots Toddlers group received funding following a Participatory Budgeting (PB) exercise, which gives local people a direct say in how public money is spent.

The group, from the Coatshill area in Blantyre, provide a warm friendly welcome where parents and carers can meet and allow their children to play and socialise, reducing isolation, post birth until 5 years old. It also builds on children’s development through enhancing their motor skills using various toys and equipment.

Tiny Tots’ Lesley Douglas said: “This funding will allow us to expand our provision to two days per week, allowing up to 70 Coatshill families with children under five years to attend.  During the sessions children will learn, play and have access to healthy snacks.”

The PB process was planned using the PB charter. The charter is for everyone involved in a participatory budgeting process – whether planning activities or going along to vote.

The group organised pop up events throughout the community to gather ideas from residents on projects they would like to see funded through PB.

These ideas were gathered and looked at by the group who worked them into projects with the ideas presented to the community for public vote using a variety of methods both online, and in person. A total of 387 votes were submitted (five votes per person)- resulting in 13 projects being for full funding.

The council’s Leader Joe Fagan said: “The PB process gives local people the opportunity to decide where money should be spent in their local area and we are delighted with the plans the Tiny Tots group now have in place thanks to this funding.

“I would encourage communities across South Lanarkshire to find out more and get involved in the PB process – we recognise that no-one knows better than local people what would benefit their area.”

The council’s Community Engagement team coordinates the Participatory Budgeting process with funding coming from the council and the National Lottery. 

More information about Participatory Budgeting is available on the Community Planning website.